Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I haven't seen this happen again, but I started noticing that sometimes laying in bed at night I will see little "sparkles" of light throughout the room and I'll wonder if they are the same ones I saw in July 2011.
I have tried to figure out what I saw. The scientific side of it is maybe it is the "dark space", "dark matter" that is so elusive but a real "thing" in the scientific and astronomic world. It's the stuff that binds us together. Maybe it has something to do with the "string theory".
Another thought could be it is ghost or spirit stuff. Since this is such a controversial subject many would hesitate to say this publicly, but they don't know me either. I have nothing to gain, nothing to loose. Maybe it was spirit stuff and the sparkles I saw were spirits flowing in this watery air medium. Maybe all the deceased are with us more than we know.
Makes sense in a way that our loved ones stay close to us ( and visit other loved ones too),I started crocheting out of nowhere and I have become a professional designer, my maternal grandmother (whom I never knew)crocheted very well and often.It may be that her spirit guided me. In near death experiences many people say they see a "tunnel of light with all loved ones at the end" Medical doctors say the "tunnel" is a natural phenomenon, but the loved ones are unexplained.I had the passing thought that maybe this stuff can pass through our brains/minds during sleep and influence our dreams. I have had many weird dreams about things, places, people, etc that I could swear that I have never seen or been to before.
Then there is always the UFO connection, in that this is our communication lines to a more sophisticated society from other places in our universe. That we are just to blind to see it yet, or if you have like me at first, afraid to say anything about it!
Okay now your gonna really think I'm off my rocker with this experience. If I hadn't quit drinking Jan 2009, I'd think I was batty too.
This experience happened 7/11/11. I started writing down stuff because I don't know if it will make a difference to someone someday or if someone else has had a like experience they won't think they are crazy.
A few things to know about me. I am not a professional at, but enjoy shows and books about our universe,ghosts and spirits,archaeology of all kinds and quantum physics (hey, I hated it in school but it's catch up time, I want to UNDERSTAND before I DIE).
Anyhow at around 11 a.m. I woke up after working late the night before. Jack was already up and bustling about in the kitchen. I was just laying there relaxed. I glanced over at the wall opposite my bed and I saw the air ripple, just like looking through water. The air was undulating in currents in liquid. I thought "What the?"
I did a double, a third take, rubbed my eyes, put on my glasses, and it was still there. I thought at first it was cigarette smoke that had drifted into the room. But the closer I looked the weirder it got. Cigarette smoke when it hits an object such as the opened door of the adjoining bathroom, would slowly slide up or around the door or object. This did not, it went through it, without any interruption, through the walls even! I was scared, awed, but I stuck my hand then my arm in it, it didn't even cause a ripple. I stood in it, brought the cat in my arms in went right thru us. I followed it to the wall that separates the bedroom from the living room and it just went into the wall.
Talk about perplexed! I thought of calling Jack but then I thought of his bad eyesight (He's bind in one eye, and has about 20% in the other)and decided not to. I felt also that this was a special experience for me, maybe for my eyes only, to relish the moment. I felt as though I was seeing an absolute truth of life. It was exhilarating!
It had a slight blue tinge to it, with a silvery glint as it slowly floated all around me. I noticed that there were certain points where the layers (?) touched, there would be a tiny sparkle of light. The sun was shining right over the top of our home and the blinds were half way down so there was no direct light . I thought of that, that light was maybe hitting dust particles and highlighting them to make these sparkles, but there was no direct or reflected light coming in or in the room.
I watched this for about 20 to 30 minutes before I went into the kitchen and told Jack. I think he thought I was bonkers.
Last night it happened again! I went to bed and was having a hard time getting to sleep. You know the routine,toss this way, turn the other, kick the blankets/sheet off, imaginary itch here and there, every little noise amplified. With Jack and I we also have 3 small poodles and anywhere from 1 to 3 cats squeezed into their places on our bed.
So I'm laying there and I feel what I think is one of the cats stepping on the bed about 2 to 3 inches next to my foot then it casually and slowly walks up to about my knee level. I, thinking it's one of the cats, don't do anything, UNTIL it starts to walk BACKWARDS back twords the foot of the bed!!! I realize it never turned around to walk back! So I bolt upright to see who it was, no cat there.
I hear my cat Honeybun just jump down off the kitchen table just then, I can tell because of the bell on her collar. Okay that's where she was...
LittleBit is on the top of my pillow, above my head snoozing and Mikey is spooned up in my belly (he's also looking in the direction of the ghost kitty), Charlie was catting around outside for the night and Skippy NEVER gets on the bed at night (too crowded I think! Smart cat!).All three dogs are in their special spots between us and at Jack's foot, soooooo.....
Unless we acquired any new critter I don't know about,I think we have a ghost kitty or maybe more than one.
Makes sense if you believe in ghosts or spirits, still creepy though. It made me wonder which one it was as we have had a few that passed away or have disappeared.
This isn't the first time it's happened. There have been many times I've experienced this throughout the years. I just wish if it were one of them I could identify who it is. I usually go through the litany of names of the deceased or departed and it goes something like this "I know your there Bandit, Spot, Buttercup, Bowwow,etc,etc,etc,
I still love ya, feel at home, I miss you"
and then I CAN'T get to sleep at all...
Life has thrown a lot of weird stuff my way…
I don’t know how it is with you, but for me the older I get, life seems to get weirder.Maybe I just notice more in my older, more responsible age.
Ever since I was a child I was quiet and liked to watch and listen a lot. As a child I played by myself mostly and was completely content at it even though I was raised in a houseful of kids. I was also very much an animal lover.
To say my parents were strict is a understatement. I wasn’t allowed to have any friends or share our phone number or go to other kid’s homes. I don’t want to go into all that right now, for this is a different story…
When I moved away from home at age 17 I finished my senior year on my own. I worked in a print shop part time and I relished having my own place.
I started hanging out with a group of friends I had made down at the beach. We were all “hippieish”, even though this was 1972 to 1974. Life for all of us was a big swirl of patchouli oil, black light posters, tanned bodies playing volleyball on Hermosa Beach permeated with coconut butter and tequila, the Moody Blues and Yes concerts and Maui Wowwee.
I think the weirdness started about then. I had gone to a party one night at our big house we always partied at. All the usual faces and friends were there with a liberal sprinkling of new faces. I had wound my way through the living room and was half way through the kitchen when a total stranger, some lady I had never seen before started screeching “She’s evil! Look at her, she’s evil!” To my surprise she was pointing straight at me! She wouldn’t stop it, and after a few minutes some of my friends forced her to leave.
I was very upset. Any high I had gotten that night was long gone. Ask any of my friends, I was the mellowest, laid back person they’d ever known. I never saw her again but the memory of it has stayed with me to this day and I am 3 years short of 60.
I wasn’t raised with any religion, but I did believe in a God or higher power. My Dad was on the scientific side of belief and his passion was archeology, especially with an interest in American Native tribes, and they had all kinds of beliefs and traditions, so who’s to say who’s right? My stepmother and I both saw a ghost in the old house I grew up in on separate occasions.
In those early years I did waste my talents and my time partying. I did love the out of doors and went camping and back packing most of the holidays and weekends. This one time a good friend John and I went backpacking at the 3rd falls of Taquitz Falls, outside of Palm Springs, California .Back then it was on Indian reservation land and probably still is. I had never been there before but he had many times. We had a great time and I found that he was a great companion for having fun with because I didn’t need to worry about him sexually as he was gay and I disliked the awkwardness of THE QUESTION, when or how it was going to come up(excuse the pun!).
We hiked up the canyon to the 3rd falls and set up our small camp. We spent the day skinny dipping, getting sunburned, smoked a few joints and did a lot of talking and laughing. Later on we started a small fire and settled down to watch the coals and share small talk. That’s when he asked my if I could “See that?”, I looked and across the canyon I could see a red light. We watched as this small red light followed above the tree line on the opposite side of the canyon. It was bright glowing red and just floated slowly from left to right following the tree tops, slowly bobbing up and down, What was really weird was that there wasn’t any sound. We sat and watched this for at least a 15 minutes or more until it disappeared. This was in 1974. It was not a jet from the air force base, as we had seen and heard them all day, and they were fast and loud. It wasn’t flares as this light was moving horizontally and slowly along the tree line. It was just one of those things…I am still scratching my head…….